Custom Enterprise Solution

MedSupplierCo reduces operational costs and gains new customers with Custom Enterprise Solution

MedSupplierCo is a renowned and trusted B2B medical instruments supplier in the US. Based in Pennsylvania, the employees of MedSupplierCo started out in a three-car garage in 1996. By 2019, they expanded and spread its roots to 32 locations across 22 states in the US. Today, they provide the right medical equipment to hospitals, nursing homes and healthcare institutions. Together, they contribute to the best patient care. But, their dependency on manual effort and legacy systems created roadblocks while providing the best service. While saying ‘consider it done’ to their customers, they faced challenges.

Time-consuming manual efforts

MedSupplierCo spent enormous hours daily to manually run the operations across 22 states. The monthly billing cycle took 9+ hours for 35,000 records. The employees had to extract data from 6 legacy systems, all on-premise with limited access. This made the operational tasks time-consuming and limited the productivity of every employee. The lead time required to process a request or finish a task was high. It affected departmental and organizational efficiency. MedSupplierCo used several software portals at once. The time taken to maintain and upgrade them was high. The lack of customizations also did not help with speeding up tasks and desired results.

Varied Systems to collect, store and manage data

MedSupplierCo had several systems, all located on their office premises, to collect, store and manage data. These systems consisted of data from their operations, instruments & inventory and customer financials. It made daily tasks challenging and prone to error. The legacy systems affected the accuracy and efficiency of processes. Also, the systems were accessible for only one user at once. This made the usable man hours a challenge through several departments. In case of a system shutdown, the process came to a halt.

Increased operational costs

The many on-premise legacy systems incurred huge costs during operations and maintenance. The costs of upgrading systems demanded extra manual efforts and hours. Every employee spent a huge time working on each system. Due to this, This the cost of resources was also increasing day by day. All the IT Support organizations involved also needed to be paid for their technological support. This made the legacy systems a costly affair.

Lack of scalable solutions

MedSupplierCo’s legacy systems lacked scalability. The organization catered to renowned hospitals, nursing homes, old age centers and other healthcare institutions. Together, a huge amount of data was generated every day. There was no way the existing systems could be easily upgraded and scaled to suffice the amount of data generated with every instrument, customer, region and its history.

Challenges due to disaster recovery

During a thunderstorm, MedSupplierCo faced multiple systems shutdown. This failure in system could have resulted in loss of organizational data. There was no way to recover it. Also, the systems’ shutdown meant loss of business, failure in medical supplies’ delivery and lack of customer confidence. MedSupplierCo required a robust solution with an easy disaster recovery facility.

The Solution

To replace the existing legacy systems and to overcome the challenges they presented with, an Enterprise Grade Cloud Solution was presented. It provided robust, easy to install and easy to use features which integrated seamlessly within the organization. The many systems for different for invoicing, taxing, billing, customer reports, order fulfillment, rental data etc. were replaced with a single Cloud solution. MedSupplierCo was able to reduce the lead time of every activity from the legacy systems by automating it. The billing process which earlier took 9+ hours for 35,000 records now takes places within 20 minutes. The power of automation and customization allowed MedSupplierCo to generate customized customer reports. This has improved customer relationships and customer retention for the organization. The value addition with better speed and efficiency made MedSupplierCo focus on its customers. The customizations have made generating leads and focusing on the business easier. It has oriented the organization towards improved revenue generation. The employees at MedSupplierCo can now compete with its competitors and gain an advantage over them with a sophisticated IT infrastructure which supports multiple functions at once.

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