A Leading Entertainment & Media company adopts a Cloud based multi-tenant media management solution to enhance user experience & manage large volumes of multimedia data.

Our Results

Saviant’s Microsoft Azure Cloud solution accelerated the response time to view and download videos with highly intuitive user interface and run-time online studios.

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Business Need

The client is a leading entertainment and media company based in the US. They needed a cloud-based platform solution to enable users to download and stream videos swiftly. They wanted an application with an interactive, intuitive, and visually appealing user interface. Further, they wanted to enable producers to create run-time studios and be able to sell online to their consumers.

The core challenge involved was to build a solution with minimal capital investment. The operating costs too had to be kept minimum. At the same time, they wanted the system to store large volumes of video data without any performance issues and enabled data security.

Technology Solution

HTML5, JQuery, JavaScript, Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET 4.0, Web Services, SQL

Saviant developed a cloud based solution using Microsoft Azure. For ensuring low capital expenditure (CapEx) and operational expenditure (OpEx), we leveraged Azure PaaS capabilities. To build a highly scalable architecture, we used the MVC and entity-framework approach. We used Kendo UI, JQuery, and Knockout.Js tools to develop a rich and vibrant user interface. We used Microsoft Azure storage to store video blobs and for enabling secure downloads.

The minimum viable product (MVP) built with our cloud solution was released in the market within three months of project initiation. To ensure high security levels, we developed the application in alignment with the Dependency Injection (DI) software development pattern. To ensure fluidity and responsiveness of the application, the Single Page Application (SPA) approach was used and developed using Knockout.Js. Our solution offered fast response times to end-users during viewing & downloading of videos. This system improved user experience with the provision of options such as fast search, filters, tags for video listing.

Multi tenat SaaS development

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